Owner’s Corner: 6 new 2013 Ford Transit Connects with a personal FICO score of 507???

With the great success of my previous BLOG POST regarding the pool contractor our client (7 new TrueBuild Elite clients within 48 hours) I thought I would share another success story.  Perhaps you can relate and see how his story may help your business.

Floral BusinessThis is a florist in the Atlanta area.  He had been in business for about four years.  It was a modest beginning with a 500sf store and one used delivery van.  Like a lot of entrepreneurs he was putting in 70 hour weeks and just getting by.  But his hard work over time had started to pay off and in a couple of years and he expanded to a 1,500sf store and added two more delivery vans.  Then, a year later he expanded to a 2,700sf store and added another delivery van.  He was now servicing the entire Atlanta metro area.  The profit margins in the retail florist are not the biggest and there is lots of competition so keeping costs down is the key to sustaining growth.  As he grew, he started experiencing growing pains.  The four delivery vans he owned were purchased used.  All had V8’s, got terrible mileage and were starting to break down frequently.  He was paying for fuel with the businesses debit card and was running $2,000 a month in repairs just to keep his vans on the road.  All of his cash flow and profits were getting eaten up but fuel costs and repairs so he had a problem on his hands.



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